Connecting the Leaders of Tomorrow with Israel.

We pair extraordinary student leaders & young professionals from all backgrounds globally with Israeli executives to help ensure that the next generation of leaders has the knowledge and relationships to succeed.

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Start-Up Nation Mentorship (SUNM) seeks to connect top non-Jewish student leaders from around the world to the incredible opportunities that Israel has to offer, fostering relationships centered around professional and personal development. SUNM aims to shift the focus on college campuses away from an Israel solely defined by its political conflict and toward an understanding of Israel’s role as a global market leader.

SUNM’s mentors hold prestigious positions in a wide range of professions, including influential careers at the nexus of business, technology, and government. In an increasingly international world where interpersonal networks are the key to success, SUNM offers an unparalleled platform for the leaders of tomorrow to develop lasting bonds with Israel that will be crucial later in many of their careers.

Take advantage of tomorrow’s opportunities

As the world recognizes the crucial strategic position of Israel in the global market, and its unique position in the Middle East, Israel is experiencing an influx of heavy investment in research, development, and innovation efforts. 

SUNM believes that success in the modern economy depends on recognizing today’s trends to take advantage of tomorrow’s opportunities. Alongside this professional mentorship, students will be exposed to Israel as a global leader in a plethora of industries and a hub for innovation.

Video Call

What our alumni say about the mentorship program

Harper D.

Vanderbilt University

“I really enjoyed this program and learned so much from my mentor. My mentor taught me about not only being a consultant at BCG, but by talking to me about the culture in Israel he inspired me to intern at a start up in Israel. I will continue to reach out to my mentor throughout the recruitment cycle and would recommend for anyone to reach out to him!

Vinosh J.

University College London

It was fascinating to learn about my mentor’s background professionally to where he is today as well as his experiences in the IDF and how it has tailored how he works. I learned a lot about the Israel investment space and it was great to discuss how his networks could potentially help with gaining industry experience. It was also great to meet the other fellows over a lovely salt-beef sandwich dinner in London and see the diversity with their backgrounds.

Nathan W.

University of Michigan

My call with Dan was one of the most genuine and thoughtful mentorship / networking calls I have had to date. We discussed his background through IB / private equity / VC / founding his own VC fund, how to excel in my post-grad role at Point72 next year, how to achieve my goal to manage an investment fund someday (like him), and how he has navigated this year as one of the most intense of his career. I wish I would have learned more about Israel in our first call, so I look forward to circling back with Dan after the new year, and for years to come. I’d like to learn more about his youth in Israel, Vine Ventures’ investment philosophy in the country, and continue to educate myself on the developing situation in the region.

350+ Israeli mentors

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